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Harbor District meeting videos coming soon to PCT

In 2010 Sabrina Brennan suggested that Harbor Commission meetings be videotaped and broadcast on public access television and published on the internet. In response to the suggestion Peter Grenell, Harbor District General Manager said, “It is in the best interest of the District not to videotape meetings.”

At the June 20, 2012 Harbor District meeting Commissioners voted against Peter Grenell's recommendation and approved videotaping biweekly Harbor District meetings.  During public comment, Brennan thanked the board for supporting openness and transparency in local government.

Checkout Peter Granell's comments in the Half Moon Bay Review this week.

It’s basically improving accessibility of harbor commission proceedings,” said Peter Grenell, the general manager of the Harbor District.

He expects they will begin recording sessions within the month, as soon as a contract with Pacifica Community Television is worked out and they obtain the necessary equipment. The estimated cost is $6,000 a year ($250 per meeting). Equipment will cost an additional $1,200. 

Reader Comments (1)

I think what Sabrina did to get us video of the harbor commission meetings alone, earns her the right to be a harbor commissioner. I can only imagine how much time and effort went into breaking through the tough, they don’t need to know, wall that is the old harbor commission. I look forward to a little new blood filling the commission. There is a lot to do to keep our harbor and fisheries, clean, safe and productive, for our hard working fishermen, and tourists too. I am sure that Sabrina is up to the task.

July 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLee Engdahl

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